There was a time when the Hortons caused Air RB matches to end very quickly You'd have a group of 229's annihilate medium tanks and other hard ground targets in a matter of minutes causing the game to end From what I understand they were pretty deadly in Ground RB, too I didn't play tanks at that time so I don't know about that for sureThe Horten HIX, RLM designation Ho 229 (often called Gotha Go 229 because of the identity of the chosen manufacturer of the aircraft) Variants in War Thunder, Horten HIX Picture of the War Thunder Was a German prototype fighter/bomber designed by Reimar and Walter Horten and built by Gothaer Waggonfabriklate in World War IIOct 25, 14 · This video demonstrates how to takeoff in the Horton 229 in War Thunder It is completely stock, RB difficulty, and on the German test flight map They did some test filghts during and after the war, in both Germany and the United States It Delivered By Ho 229 Squad Imgur Ho 229 war thunder skin ...